About me
Hi, I’m Laura!

I am Laura,
joyful, light and complete. A daughter, a sister, a friend, a fellow spiritual traveler, a wanderer through life, a yoga teacher and an ayurveda student and own practitioner. I have a lot of respect for this life which was given to me to live it out, guided by my own authentic heart. And it was a long way to get here...
Early days.....
Ever since I was a little girl, I've always had this deep knowing inside saying "there's more to life than you've ever seen or heard"...but what was it? .....
Born in Romania during communism, I can easily say, that my long-time friend is "fear'. Even when I was a child, I could feel these powerful anxiety moments which were just freezing my body and mind, taking my freedom away, obeying me to outside rules, never feeling well in my body and in my mind, never being connected to my own inner world. Never knowing there is something like this- a inner world, of joy.
As a younger adult I start inquiring the fears: are they really mine, from this life time, or do they just stick to me coming from elsewhere?
My life was looking pretty perfect... outside, while inside a deep ocean had to be revealed and understood .
So, one day, I had enough determination to start the work.
I took a leap of faith, prepared myself for the unknown, and I invested all my time, power, curiosity in finding out another way of living, in peace, in balance, in harmony, not afraid from the outside circumstances, but guided by my OWN tender and gentle heart.
The practice...
Since 2016 I went through different practices being guided by different teachers and gurus.
Starting with 1:1 psychology sessions to heal and bring back the little girl, who stands in front of the door, too scared, waiting to be seen and listened to attentively,
OVER sitting in complete stillness, forgetting about a body, its needs and senses, without allowing any imagination to arise in consciousness, under the grace and guidance of my guru Mooji Baba (the practice of jnana yoga- self-inquiry/ atma-vichāris, which fulfilled and completed the dark night of the soul),
OVER the magnificent and beautiful asana practice (raja yoga),
TO chanting and dancing in full bliss and connection to the Divine (the practice of bhakti yoga- devotion). Always guided by amazing teachers, high spirits, healers and friends.
A deeper understanding...
Studying and practicing raja yoga involved understanding and living the philosophy of this ancient spiritual treasure which answered a lot of my - by that time - open spiritual questions and miracles, and being aligned with Ayurveda- the 5000-year-old Indian medical system that uses natural and holistic approaches to keeping mind, body and spirit healthy. A deep love developed inside myself. Uncontrolled, unseen, unintentionally. I became consistent in my sadhana making of yoga and ayurveda a part of my normal life, a fluit life, being amazed by a stable mind, clear view, strong willpower and gentle heart and ways, deep inner connection, as a result.
The present moments...
Finding ONE's own heart, will not lead to any avoidance of suffering or heavy circumstances which come from outside. We cannot stop the clouds from moving, nor the sun from going down - as long as we have a human body, bones will break and hearts will suffer - but we can make a conscious decision of how to keep being a friend to ourselves during these times, how to speak to ourselves during these time, how to hold ourselves during these times. The practices we do, with consistency and devotion, the food we eat with awareness to the health of the own body, the thoughts we allow to "disturb us" or to "bring us peace", the friends we keep company with, the actions we give to the world...all are playing the dance of harmony if ONE knows and understands its Divine rules.
By the Grace of God...
Fear became a loyal friend. It always appears when I have to understand something. Either it wants me safe and secure in very reasonable moments, or it just wants to reveal to me, the treasure and wonder that lies behind it.....
...if only I would find the courage to dare taking the next wanted step ahead.
And finally, who am "I"....
a piece of divine light walking on this earth to serve a higher purpose, always in Company, always seen, always listen to, always safe.
The Ordainer controls the fate of souls in accordance with their prarabdhakarma. Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it.
This is certain. The best course, therefore, is to remain silent.
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
My ways
to find inner peace and live a more balanced and joyful life.
My methods for living a more peaceful life are simple and easy to follow. Everything starts from a sankalpa (intention), then power comes in and action will be taken.
Here are the ways to mold yourself into balance, harmony, joy.

Read an uplifting book
Take a book and read it slowly. Let it permitate your being while going through. Give yourself time to digest the information or emotion.

Spend time in nature
be mindful while walking: look up at the sky, touch a tree, take a stone in your hand, walk barefoot on the earth

- 2024 Certified 200 hours Living Masters - Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. Yoga Alliance international.
- 2022 Certified 100 hours Yin Yoga & Guided Meditation Instructor Training. Yoga Alliance international.
- 2021 Certified 500 hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training. Yoga Alliance international.